How to beat the Post Race Blues

December 5, 2023

You have spent the last 4, 6, 12 months prepping for the big race on your calendar. You have studied your nutrition, found the perfect race kit and are ready to execute your perfect race.  The day comes and your race plays out how it plays out.  Maybe a good day, maybe a fun day, maybe a terrible day, maybe a personal best…it could even be a combination of many of these things.  You take in the post race festivities and enjoy some time with family and friends.  You go to bed, a shiny medal on your bedside table and a smile on your face knowing you have completed something you have worked your butt off for.

The day after

When you wake up the next morning, you don’t have to go for a training run, your race kit smells like sweat and salt, you feel like eating everything in site and you start to think to yourself, “now what?”  This event that you have put so much time and sweat into is now over and there may be a huge hole in your schedule. 

Just like prepping for your race, it is very important to put some time and effort into your life post race.  Having plans for how to beat the post race blues can be a game changer in coming down from the high you get from your goal race.

Post race race

Read that to yourself again, post race race.  Within a month of your goal race, plan your post race race.  Have another event waiting for you to keep you moving and motivated after the big race is done.  Your post race race can be anything you want it to be.  Typically, I tell clients to make this a fun, casual race.  Your post race race will depend on what your goal race looked like.  But for most people, a fun local 5km race like a turkey trot or Santa shuffle are great options.  In the fall months, when most goal races have been completed, there are usually local run groups who organize fun events like beer miles or donut miles.  Another option is to join a team of friends to complete a longer race. 

The point is to have something else to look forward to that will be fun and casual that will lead you into your much earned off season.

It can be that simple for a lot of people.  Play with it for yourself and find out what works for you.  How soon after your goal race does your post race race need to be, is it solo or with friends?  It can be all up to you.


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