Well you found me. That could mean a couple of things: 1. you are a runner and want to connect with other amazing run people (ie. me). 2. you are a runner looking for a coach to help you get to that next level. 3. you heard a story about a guy who wore 120 shirts while running a half marathon just to break a Guinness World Record.

Whatever your reason is, you found me and I am grateful that you have. I love to run and I have loved running most of my life. I have always been an athlete from the time I was a young child, but everything always revolved around running. Baseball, soccer, football, tennis, track and field, hockey……..or maybe not hockey but the endurance helped.

I ran my first organized cross country race in 1992. Since then I have completed in close to 100 triathlons, represented Canada in multiple amature events, completed 7 marathons, 2 ultramarathons, qualified for the Boston marathon twice and broke a Guinness World Record. It is amazing where sports and an active lifestyle can take you.

I am a father to 3 amazing active kids and love being able to watch them grow. We are a very active family. Skiing and skating in the winters. While cycling, camping, geocaching, swimming and climbing mountains in the summer. We have some amazing adventures together and I love seeing the wonder and amazement in their eyes when they achieve something new.

During the long Covid restriction years, I completed my marathon coaching certification through the North American Academy for Sports Fitness Professionals (NAASFP). I love working with new athletes and helping find their own love for running. Being able to help a new athlete grow and reach their own goals is an amazing thing to be apart of. For 99.9% of us there will always be someone faster or better or stronger. That is why I will help you run for you. You know what you are capable of and what you want to achieve. How that compares to other runners doesn’t really matter. All that matters is what you could do for yourself. Every runner that has come before you has been nervous and anxious about starting something new, it get’s easier.


  • 2023 New York City 5:18:34

    2023 Edmonton 5:01:50 Guinness World Record Attempt

    2022 Chicago 3:07:39

    2018 Boston 3:21:22

    2016 Revel Canyon City 2:59:32 Personal Best

    2016 Edmonton 3:10:06

    2015 Hamilton 3:09:56

    2015 Edmonton 3:14:17

    2015 Calgary 3:50:56

  • 2023 Sinister 7 Ultra 50km 7:03:15

    2023 Lakou Backyard Ultra 10 ‘Yards’ 67km 9:55:27

    2022 Sinister 7 Ultra 50 miles 12:20:46

    2018 River Valley Revenge 50 miles 11:01:00

  • 2009 Dextro Energy Triathlon - ITU World Championship Grand Final Gold Coast

    2009 Dextro Gold Coast ITU Aquathlon World Championships

    2008 Vancouver BG Triathlon World Championships

    2006 Lausanne ITU Triathlon World Championships

    2006 Lausanne ITU Aquathlon World Championships

    2005 Honolulu ITU Age group Triathlon World Championships

    2005 Honolulu ITU Age Group Aquathlon World Championships

  • 2012 Ironman Mont-Tremblant 10:53:13

    2010 Ironman Canada 11:21:31



Founded in 2019 in memory to RH Fisher’s last adventure, Seven Summits Snacks has a passion for chocolate and health. Providing purposeful nutrition and satisfying chocolate products, crafted to conquer your next adventure. From indulgence to sport performance, they have superfood chocolate snacks to fit your needs at different times of the day. While I may have ended my officially ended my partnership with the Seven Summits Snacks team, they are a hard working, locally run team who I have no problem continuing to support.


Nuun is a company dedicated to keeping you as hydrated as humanly possible. Our drink tablets are fizzy, tasty and loaded with electrolytes that keep you healthy and hydrated!